Friday, April 18, 2014

Season 2, Episode 12: Crossing the Line

Ahh, labor unions!

Fun fact: this episode of Dr. Quinn and that episode of Saved By The Bell where Zach exploits a conflict with the teachers' union were my first introduction to the notions of unions and strikes.

The Gist:
Silver mine workers are protesting wage cuts and unsafe working conditions.  Matthew, desperate to become financially secure enough to marry Ingrid, decides to become a scab, despite the misgivings of, you know, EVERYONE AROUND HIM. Of course, there are several cave-ins and he nearly has to have his leg amputated (but Dr. Mike and Sully saaave him!).


1.  This is one of those episodes of this show that provide a really important glimpse into American history.  The history of labor unions is not only really interesting, but really important if you want to understand anything about how the American economy works.  This particular episode is where I learned about things like scrip pay -- horrifying.

2. I kind of love how everyone in the town is so pro-union.  Like, without any hesitation. Except for Mr. Bray.  And this  really illustrates the core of the problem: when there's money to be made, those who are making money will do just that, no matter who gets cheated or hurt. And it we don't find some way to regulate things ...

3. It's nice to be reminded why Sully is so anti-establishment. Sometimes his behavior just strikes me as really juvenile ... but then there's an episode like this one and you're reminded that he has been fucked over pretty badly by just about every societal institution that there is. 

4. Michaela is a boss-ass mother.  Although  she worries for Matthew, she supports him. Although she doesn't want to work with Mr. Stone's mining operation, she knows she has a duty to protect anyone who could get hurt.  And when Brian starts asking questions about those who are boycotting the store, she just asks him, "Well ... what do you think?" And when she knows she might have to amputate

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